Wie reich sind sie: Berühmtheiten, zu denen wir aufschauen, und ihr Nettowert

Ob sie nun aus der Mode-, Sport- oder Unterhaltungsbranche kommen, Prominente gehören seit jeher zu den reichsten Menschen der Welt.


Off Camera: Celebrities Who Broke Out Of Their Nice Character

There are a hundred reasons why we like our favorite actors and actresses. It could be purely physical—perhaps they were


Old But Gold: Celebrities Who Have Aged Under The Spotlight And Plans To Stay In The Limelight

Some people have thought about their retirement at such an early age. They’ve already made plans and investments for when that beautiful day


Find Out Which Celebrities Turned Down These Iconic Blockbuster Roles

As the adage goes “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” this has been valid at any time in our


Celeb Net Worth: Battle of the Same Age

Hollywood celebrities have to face a lot of battles, like looking as ageless as possible. Of course, in an industry that


These Female Celebs Defy Hollywood’s Beauty Standard and Refuse To Lose Weight

Being a Hollywood star comes with a lot of pros and cons. Sure, you can be as famous as the


Showing Some Ink: Celebrities And Their Tattoos

Even though many don’t have tattoos, almost everyone has at least some degree of fascination for tattoos. Since the earlier years


Fame, Fortune, Friendships: These Hollywood BFFs Seem To Have It All!

In Hollywood, some stars are naturally put in the limelight more often, while others continue to find their ways to


This Is What Happens When Famous Folks Lose Their Cool

Celebrities are known for keeping their composure while out in public. You can catch them flaunting their desirable good looks