Eva Marie Saint |97 years old

Eva Marie Saint started her acting career even before she finished getting her degree from Bowling Green State University. She worked as a page at the NBC Studios and later appeared in commercials as well as small roles on TV. As a matter of fact, Saint was in the first-ever TV program to be aired. She had been on TV from the ‘40s to the ‘50s. She has also appeared in the film, On the Waterfront, which won her an Oscar. From there, she just kept on shooting film after film and so on.

Currently, she is still active as an actress as she hasn’t really said goodbye to acting. In fact, when she was 93 years old, she was presented with an Oscar. Saint has also beaten the odds of celebrity couples as she and her husband, Jeffrey Hayden, had a long marriage until his passing at the age of 90. Although she was hit hard by the passing of her husband, her family and therapist had helped her get through it day by day.
