Denzel Washington | Michael Clayton – Michael Clayton

Some actors turn down roles because of schedule conflicts or simple disinterest in the material. While most don’t really come to regret their decisions, Denzel Washington seems to harbor a bit of resentment when it comes to his choices over the years. Did you know that the actor turned down lead roles in the films Se7en and Michael Clayton? The parts eventually went to Brad Pitt and George Clooney, respectively. In an interview with GQ, the actor admits that he considers these two as his biggest career regrets.

In particular, Washington regretted turning down the Michael Clayton role as he considers it one of the best materials he had read in quite a while. What stopped him from going for it? The actor wasn’t confident about working with a first-time director and decided to play it safe. There is always a degree of risk involved when choosing roles, but this one was certainly the wrong move.
