Matt Damon | Jake Sully – Avatar

Matt Damon is one of the most bankable stars today. He is well-known for his films such as Saving Private Ryan, The Departed, The Martian, and the Bourne franchise. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that director James Cameron searched for a lead actor for his epic movie Avatar, he approached Damon. According to Damon, Cameron offered him ten percent of the film’s earnings if he accepted the role. Damon turned it down, saying he couldn’t do it. The role eventually went to Sam Worthington. Avatar would eventually become one of the most profitable movies of all time, with a box office earning of $2.84 billion.

Had Damon accepted it, he could have gotten at least $250 million and possibly even more as Cameron will make four more Avatar movies. Despite the turndown, Damon still became highly successful and rich, with a net worth of $170 million, mostly from royalties and investments. His roles in The Martian, Interstellar, and Ford v Ferrari affirmed his status as a bankable and highly talented star.
