DENISE AUSTIN | 64 years old

Denise Austin, formerly Denise Katnich, is a previous member of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. On top of that, she is also an American fitness teacher, author, and columnist. Austin was born in the Los Angeles suburb of San Pedro. At the age of 12, she began gymnastics, which led to an athletic scholarship at the University of Arizona.

Having been married since April 30, 1983, she is also the wife of Jeff Austin, a sports agent and former tennis player who is the former world champion Tennis player Tracy Austin’s brother. Kelly and Katie are their two children, being born in 1990 and 1993 respectively. Austin is well-known for repeatedly highlighting the importance of remaining in shape naturally, claiming that investing only 30 minutes a day and does not miss meals goes a long way in staying fit. She also favors sugar and butter over artificial sweeteners and margarine, albeit she stresses portion management, dietary balance, and exercise.
